On Wednesday, November 18, the Association " PERPATO", in collaboration with the medical-orthopedic Tsagiannidis stores, organized a workshop on" management of urinary problems, incontinence and their management materials", in the Hall of the Association of.
Representatives of leading companies in the field and urologist surgeon Mr. Takos Dimitrios, shared their perspective and experience regarding the problems that patients face in their daily lives and ways of managing them.
The program of the conference was as follows:
19: 00-19 – 10: Opening Day-Greetings
19:10 - 19: 50: Talk on "management of problems from the urinary system in patients with spinal injury, the role of the urologist"-
Speaker Mr. Takos Dimitrios, surgeon urologist-andrologist FEBU-specialized in Endourology-Urodynamics-flexible cystoscopy - Prostate Biopsy - urodynamic control - urinary incontinence - erectile dysfunction - infertility - Pediatric Urology - enuresis - Andrology
19:50 - 20: 05: talk on "incontinence management products"-
Speaker Mr. Kalemis Konstantinos, representative of Hartmann company
20:05 - 20:20: Talk on "self-catheterization and urinary incontinence materials"-
Speaker Mrs. Georgoula Konstantina, representative of Areti SA