During the four days of May 27-30, 80 members and friends of the Association of people with disabilities "PERPATO" and The Athletic Association of people with disabilities "IRODIKOS" were found in Thassos, who participated in this year's 4th in a row Organization of the educational seminar titled "people with disabilities in a camp Environment – Planning and implementation of integration programs".
Members and friends of the organizing clubs from Greece and Germany, trainers and trainees, disabled people and not, had the opportunity to live up close the camping experience, in the facilities of Pitsa's Camp, enriched with activities related to the reintegration, rehabilitation, sports and generally the education of disabled people.
The duration was four days and there were actions and experiential workshops. All the campers had arrived at the campsite on the afternoon of Friday, May 27, when the seminar began with instructors and trainees participating in actions and games.
Immediately afterwards, the seminar began, with Ms. Despina Deligianni analyzing the topic "pressure sores and autonomic dysreflexia", while then the president of the Association"PERPATO " Mr. Alexandros Taxildaris referred to spinal cord injuries and Neuroeurology, two presentations attended by all participants before completing the day's program.
On Saturday, the participants from Greece and Germany were divided into two mixed groups, which during the day alternately watched the informative presentations that took place at the camp, starting with the presentation of Ms. Christina Evangelinou on Camp games and sports: adaptations for children with motor difficulties, and Psychomotor Activities by Mr. Antonis Kampas.
The same happened at noon, when the two teams alternately attended the presentation of the Paralympians Mr. Alexandros Taxildaris and Makis Kalaras for Transport and proper use of a wheelchair.
After the lunch break, the diving lessons took place, while in the afternoon the alternate presentations continued with Mr. Dimitrios Gaitatzis talking about the use, operation, structure and care of the wheelchair and Mrs. Maria Nikolaou referring to the topic "amputation and technical members, capabilities and evolution", referring in her presentation, the possibilities offered by science today.
The day ended with all the campers gathering to watch the Champions League final, while those who are not football fans, toured the camp site, relaxing with discussion and games.
On Sunday after breakfast, the activities started with the Therapeutic Riding Lessons from the team of the Therapeutic Riding Center of Serres, as well as the presentation of Companion Dogs by Mrs. Elena Palaga and Nina and Wall-E, the two dogs from the non-profit organization “ Nina Service Dogs”, followed by the presentation of the Paralympic sport Boccia by Mr. Raphael Panagiotou.
At noon the teams dealt alternately with the hydrotherapy techniques in the rehabilitation presented by Mr. Konstantinos Chandolias and the presentation of the sport T. In.Basket by Mr. Raphael Panagiotou, while after lunch there were again diving lessons for people with disabilities and assistants.
In the afternoon, the groups attended Art Therapy by Mrs. Elena Katsiavara and social dance seminars for wheelchair users by Mrs. Venice Laskaridis, with the campers having the opportunity to put into practice the dance moves they learned at the party that followed the same evening, with Dj Lagos being on board the music.
The four-day camp ended on Monday with the presentation of the Association of social responsibility for children and young people (skep) by Mr. Panagiotis Pitsiniaga, where conditions were created for "open dialogue" so that all participants, disabled and not, can solve more personal questions about disability.
The children who participated from Germany came from the " Academie de physiotherapie, St. Elisabeth Gruppe, Katholische Kliniken Rhein-Ruhr", through a funded program made available by the German government through the German Federation Progressiver Eltern-und Erzieherverband (PEV).
This Federation, according to its vice president,Mr. Kulessa, who accompanied the children to Thassos, aims to educate parents and children through various alternative methods, such as the so-called pedagogy of experiences in the environment, while taking a position in political decisions and movements related to the part of Education, participating many times in an advisory role in discussions held in the Parliament of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where they are mainly active, around specific bills and provisions.
The diving lessons were held thanks to the donation of VISA with which the necessary equipment was purchased.
Source: www.paratiritis-news.gr
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