From April 21 to 30, an educational program in autonomous living was held, which was an offer of NN insurance and was executed by the Association"PERPATO". The main trainer of the program was Efthimios Kalaras who successfully trained the ten participants. The participants came from different regions of Greece and had different disabilities .
The aim of the program was, in addition to improving the daily life of the participants, the exchange of knowledge between partners and the development of incentives for autonomy, sports and socialization. The program contained outdoor and non-outdoor activities, brought trainees into contact with the Paralympic sports of basketball, tennis, shooting, table tennis, archery, batminton and swimming.
In addition to the trainer Mr. Kalaras, qualified coaches, volunteers and the staff of the club also contributed to this sporting experience. The students participated in activities inside and outside Komotini. More specifically, they visited the Evros Delta by boat, therapeutic horse riding in Serres, tour in the grove of Dadia by boarding 4x4 vehicles and canoe descent in the river Nestos, diving in the sefaa swimming pool, speech of Paralympian and president of the Association" PERPATO " Alexandros Taxildaris as well as speech of the urologist-andrologist surgeon Mr. Dimitris Takos. The above were realized through the valuable cooperation of the Association PERPATO with the goextreme diving Alexandroupolis, with the vistonis canoe kayak, with the Democritus University, with the club 4x4 Komotini, with the Therapeutic Riding Center of Serres KETHIS.
The trainees all lived together in the facilities of the Association where they were trained on everyday issues faced by a disabled person. First they focused on the use of a wheelchair, then on transportation to and from the wheelchair and then on techniques of clothing, personal, hygiene, use of a handheld and finally driving a custom car. On the last day, the trained visitors evaluated the whole action and stated how important it was and is for their lives afterwards. Some of the visitors had even recently acquired their disability and consider the utmost usefulness of this opportunity given to them through NN.