This year the organizing comittee of Spetses Mini Marathon invited PERPATO to participate in the 5th Spetses Mini Marathon.Below you read some words from our friend Leuteris Paraskevas:
«On the weekend 10-11 of October I had the great pleasure and honour to participate in the Marathon as a guest of PERPATO. I went there as support for an athlete of the association and to meet the rest of the team.It was 2 in the morning on a Saturday and i was waiting for Alex, his girlfriend and Rafael his personal assistant in order to help them with trasnportation. I was very nervous at first aboy saying the right thing but after meeting them it felt like we have known each other for years. My next surprise was when we went for breakafast and I met Makis Kalaras and Thodoris Samonas.It was very fun meeting people excited to live life.Next morning we woke up at 7:30 in order to prepare fot the 25km race. Me and Rafael prepared Alex's handbike and we went to the starting line. The first half of the race went over very easy with us talking and joking and me only having to assist in some uphill parts of the track with pushing the handbike. In the second half we started running faster and passed some people. A great moment in the race for me was when we had to carry Alex through some stairs along with his handbike and everyone came to help and cheer and it was a very emotional moment for me. We completed the race in 2 hours and 19 minutes, with heat and humidity, which i believe is a respected time frame. Three hours after the race was over we packed our bags and returned to our lives. The only thing thats certain is that we will meet again very soon and we will creaste beautiful things. Thank you for having me it was an honour
We would like to thank once more the organizing comittee of Spetses Mini Marathon and especcially Ms.Koutareli and Stoiximan.gr for covering our expenses for the race.
You can find more photos at: https://www.facebook.com/Περπατώ - Perpato